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Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Mapping intersubjectivity

I'm creating an "intersubjectivity map" at the moment. The eventual aim is to show changes over time in the mentor lifeworld - different people, groups of people or entities (e.g. organisations) and the different feelings, attitudes or values expressed by participants during the interviews and in the diaries.

It's all going into a table for each interview, with the headings

  • Focus (who are they talking about)

  • Narrative (what's the story - transcript extracts)

  • Past-present-future (saying which)

  • Feelings, attitudes, values (transcript extracts)

  • Relationality

  • Corporeality

  • Temporality

  • Spatiality (ticking these if they apply)

  • At the moment, in order to stay close to the data, I'm putting an edited down version of extracts from the interview transcripts into the table cells, although a short summary of what they said would make a neater table. It's a very long-winded process, but feels productive.